Who We Are?

Our Mission

Welcome to Rock Tracker! We are a community of rock hunters and painters who love to share our finds and creations with others.

Our website allows you to search and filter rocks by location, color, design, and more, so you can find the perfect rock to add to your collection. You can also add new rocks to the map and share photos and descriptions with the community.

In addition to searching for rocks, you can connect with other rock hunters and painters through our forum or social media integration. Share your experiences, ask for tips and advice, and make new friends who share your love of painted rocks.

Thank you for joining the Rock Tracker community. We hope you have as much fun using our website as we had creating it. Happy rock hunting!

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Amazing expereinces

I had always been a bit of a nature lover, so when I heard about the trend of painted rocks, I was immediately intrigued. I loved the idea of finding hidden treasures in the great outdoors and spreading a little joy and creativity wherever I went.


One day, I decided to take the plunge and start painting and hiding my own rocks. I collected a few smooth, flat stones from the park and brought them home to my studio. Then, I got to work, using all sorts of paints, pens, and markers to create colorful and unique designs on each rock.


Once my rocks were dry, I couldn't wait to hide them for others to find. I carefully placed them in hidden spots all around the city, making sure to leave clues and hints on social media to help people find them.


As the days went by, I was thrilled to see people sharing their finds on social media and leaving messages of thanks and appreciation. It felt so good to know that my little rocks were bringing a little bit of happiness and inspiration to others.


I quickly became hooked on painted rocks and spent every free moment painting and hiding them. It was such a simple and fun activity, but it brought me so much joy and connection with others. I knew I had found my passion, and I couldn't wait to see where it would take me next.

Our Core Values

  • Community: Building and fostering a supportive and inclusive community of rock hunters and painters.

  • Creativity: Encouraging and celebrating creativity and self-expression through the art of painted rocks.

  • Fun: Creating a fun and enjoyable experience for all members of the community.

  • Sharing: Encouraging the sharing of rocks and ideas within the community.

  • Respect: Promoting respect and kindness towards all members of the community.

  • Environment: Supporting environmental sustainability and responsibility through the use of natural materials and the promotion of outdoor activities.